How to Create and Profit from Video Carousels on First Page Google while
Ranking your Videos first page of YouTube


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Forcing videos to rank in Google's video carousel is easier than you might think. That’s right. With a little Video SEO tinkering, you too can start ranking your YouTube videos on the first page of Google. Even better, I can teach you how to rank YouTube videos on Google in less than 24-hours.

Are you ready to claim your slice of prime SERP real estate? If so, keep on reading.

Only $297

This is an SEO Course. No software to install.
You can view it on your desktop, Ipad or mobile phone.

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How to Rank YouTube Videos on Google FAST with Video SEO

As far as Google ranking secrets go, Video SEO tinkering is one of Google’s most closely guarded. At least, that was the case until now.

Starting today, I can teach you how to catapult your videos, Google My Business listings, and websites, to the top spot of Google in just 7-days or less. But wait — there’s more.

By forcing Google to showcase your videos in Google video carousels that appear in searches for your keywords, you can start earning extra ad revenue from your videos!

Course Testimonials

Harnessing the power of Video SEO Has Never Been Easier

In my Google Video Carousel ranking course, I teach you EXACTLY how to rank your YouTube videos on the first page of Google SERPs.

In less than 24-hours, I teach you how to dominate search engine results pages, by forcing Google to display a video carousels of 2 or 3 videos that point directly to your website.

As a result, you will be able to start generating thousands of more unique clicks on your websites and Google My Business listings. No video SEO experience? No problem. I can help you learn how to rank YouTube videos on Google, even if you are completely new to video and YouTube SEO.

Client Testimonial

Day 3

Day 6

Day 12

Day 31

Learn How to Rank Multiple YouTube Videos on the 1st Page of Google in Minutes!

Learning how to rank YouTube videos on the first page of Google, is a skill that will keep on giving. Whether you own one website or a hundred, the Video SEO skills you will learn in my course will help you start dominating SERPs, no matter what industry you are in.

  • In my course, I’ll teach you how to quickly identify what keywords will force Google to showcase your videos in Google video carousels.
  • Learn how to quickly optimize video titles to get multiple videos ranking on the 1st page of Google in 7-days or less.
  • Learn how to use your new YouTube Video SEO skills to get multiple videos ranking on the 1st page of Google for the same keywords.
  • Discover how to quickly use Video SEO to rank your Google My Business listings on the 1st page of Google, alongside video carousels.

Expert Testimonial

As a bonus, my Google Video Carousel ranking course will teach you how to earn extra passive income from all your extra video clicks!

Discover How My Visit To My Dentist For A $30,000 Procedure Created This Deceptively Simple Technique To Close My Dentist With Credibility And Deliver Proof Of Concept In Just A Few Simple Clicks So That I Get My Dental Services At No Cost.

I realize I’m writing to you, an intermediate to advanced marketer, who has seen and tried your fair share of strategies, techniques and software, and 90% of which don’t work or aren’t effective anymore. You want effective strategies that work now and into the future, can be automated to save you time and money, and a way to scale your business that’s easy pickings.

At the beginning of this year, before the Covid lockdown hit, I had to visit my dentist. I’ve been visiting my dentist for years, and I know he has a handful of locations. Out of curiosity, I checked him out on Google before my visit. His GMB listing was ranked #1 in the GMB 3-pack for “dentist near me” and “dentist + suburb” but not on the first page for “dentist + city”. But here’s the problem that stops almost all marketers from approaching such a client...

Gary Pudney

Hey Peter Drew This Video Carousel looks like a real winner and I can't wait to get my hands on It. Pete you never amaze us all with your innovative out of box tactics, you are truly the GURU. Well done mate.

Kyriakos Xafis

Ok cool Peter Drew keep it up, we need all those goodies you are preparing to jump start and then grow our online business.

Uncover 2 Big Problems You Will Experience With What Most Marketers Are Teaching/Selling You

  • If you have bought from marketers who teach how to “poke” or rank Live streamed videos, theirs is executed with a manual approach, which takes too long to execute many keywords. Your time is precious and you don’t have time to waste. Doing any of this manually is like making a breakfast smoothie by hand instead of using a Vitamix blender. With my years of experience specializing in automation of repeatable tasks that deliver fast results to marketers, this is a mechanism that differentiates me from the others in my approach and results.
  • Most marketers may teach a technique of execution but almost all of them teach tired strategies for client outreach that others have tried and failed miserably at. One thing I know is they do not know or teach my deceptively simple outreach process to easily close businesses that have established, well-ranking GMBs. Yes, you read that right - established, well-ranked GMBs, even those ranked #1 in the 3-pack. If you and I were enjoying a hot cup of coffee at a local Starbucks, and I asked you the approach that marketers teach for outreach, you’d share with me that 100% of them teach to approach businesses who do not rank well for important keywords for their GMB listings. Am I right? My approach is a unique mechanism of focusing on exactly the opposite - I chase down businesses that are already ranking well. When you apply my strategy, it opens up a whole new world of prospects that 99% of marketers don’t even consider prospecting. You know the proverbial “low hanging fruit” they talk about? It’s yours for the taking once you learn this process in my report.

Discover My Unique Approach + Proof Mechanism To Win Any 3-pack Ranking GMB Business

(Revealed Inside exact linking strategies to ensure longevity)

Confidence From Consistent Results: Once you know my process and test out this mechanism for yourself, and it delivers results upon results upon results, you’ll be ten-foot tall and bulletproof. No client can deny the confidence in your voice over the telephone or your assured presence of authority when you meet them in-person that you know and can achieve what you’re talking about.

Keyword Trinity: No two keywords are the same. There are keywords that can drive some traffic, and there are some keywords that drive HORDES OF TRAFFIC that are HUNGRY TO BUY. There are specifically 3 keywords - that’s why I call them the “Keyword Trinity” - that almost all your #1 ranked GMB prospects don’t know about but you’ll know that they will certainly deliver customers to their business. In fact, when you drop the knowledge of the “Keyword Trinity” to your prospects, you won’t have to explain the value of this to them, you’ll see it in their eyes that they want the customers to flood their business from these keywords. Combine these 3 terms with a business who benefits from a large profit margin per sale and you’re in for a major WIN.

Trinity Research Process: I reveal my research process to qualify or disqualify #1 Ranked GMB businesses to target. Google “hides” everything in “plain sight” on page 1 of their search results, and I’ll show you step-by-step a simply process with 4 Google searches (Primary Keyword Search + Keyword Trinity Search) to sift the winners to prospect.

24-Hour Drop: This control technique works beautifully on prospects who don’t buy on the spot. I’ll share the mechanism for how I execute a Proof-Of-Concept in 24-hours that shows your credibility and expertise, plus makes it a no-brainer for them to want to do business with you. Plus, I include 2 pricing and negotiating methodologies that help you win the sale and future referrals.

Target + Terms: After 100s of conversations with GMB ranking experts, I’ve culled a large list into a small but powerful list of the top 12 business categories to target and dominate in. Although I share a big list of 2,000 business niches that you can target, I’m confident these top 12 categories would be advantageous to target first.

Automated Or Manual Execution: As a software developer who specializes in automating repetitive tasks for fast results in marketing, naturally I’d show you how to automate my strategy quickly and effectively. On the other hand, if you’d rather go at it by hand, I’ll show you the method to do so. Either way, you win.

Learn How to Rank Your Videos From Start to Finish in Less Than 24-Hours

Make no mistake, learning how to use video SEO to bump your videos to the top spot on Google, is the best SEO hack you’ll learn this year. Don't just take my word for that, though.

Learn how to rank YouTube videos on Google and get your Google My Business Listing and website to the top of Google SERPs now by firing me an email or by signing up below.

Only $297

This is an SEO Course. No software to install.
You can view it on your desktop, Ipad or mobile phone.

Peter Drew
SEO Expert Since 1995

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